BRITISH COLUMBIA AMATEUR BOXING HALL OF FAME From Idea To Reality, A 25 year journey: by brian zelley The idea of a BC Amateur boxing hall of fame was raised by me in one of the "Boxing News" articles that I wrote in the "Boxing Annual" that was released in September 1984 in time for distribution at the AGM of the BCABA, it appeared on page 8 of the 16 page annual that was filled with all the highlights of 1983/1984 boxing season along with some "Flashback" stories such as the Golden Gloves from 1939 to 1950 It also inlcuded a series of photos on page 7 with the caption "Annual Round-up". It had the title: " Wishes, Hopes & Dreams. Wishes, Hopes and Dreams (September 1984) (from the "BC Amateur Boxing Annual of 1984" by brian zelley "There are many past and present members ...who are worthy of permanent recognition for their outstandin...